When creating any type of content you need to have a call to action in there somewhere, preferably several times, or at least a call to action once at the end. A good explanation of the call to action definition is the following: a call to action is simply a push in the direction of what you want your audience to do. For example, it might be a mention of a product that you have available that is related to the information you are writing about. So you would use a couple of sentences to explain why the download is what they need, and a link to the download should be included with the call to action. The type of call to action that you have will depend upon what your marketing goals are, and more about this topic can be found at, “Why Creating a Marketing Goal is Crucial”.
Why an Effective Call To Action Can Make the Difference
A call to action needs to be something that makes the audience do something, because of an emotional hook. For example, if you are selling a weight loss product, don’t simply say “download this weight loss product”, instead say something along the lines of “download this weight loss product or face the consequences”. The latter might sound a bit harsh or a way of scaring the customer, but what it is actually doing is allowing the potential customer to visualize the problems they will run into if they continue to put on weight, such as increased health problems and problems attracting the opposite sex. Anything that can get them to realize why they must have your product is good when constructing your call to action.
Writing an effective call to action takes a lot of practice and skill, so if you are not experienced enough to do it then you need to seek the services of an expert. Hiring a copywriter is a solid investment because they will be able to increase your conversion ratio, and in turn you will get more sales than you could on your own.
Language Used Must Be Actionable
When creating a call to action you must use words and phrases that actually tell the audience to do something. So for example, “click on this”, or “click here to download…” is the type of things that you need to insert into your call to action so that people know exactly what to do. If you are very vague with your instructions then visitors might not do what you want simply out of frustration, for example you might ask them for their email’s in order to get a freebie, but if you fail to mention that the email must be entered into the opt in form then the reader might simply not work that out for themselves and leave the page without giving you that all important e-mail address.
Time Sensitivity
When creating call to action you must include an element of time sensitivity about it. For example, if you are doing a video presentation on why your dating product is a must buy, you must include information on why they must buy it right now. In this scenario you could include persuasion such as the clock is ticking and they are missing out on a lot of fun by not having success in the dating game, or that, why should other people get the dating success which they deserve while watching by in envy. Any language that will make people take action now as opposed to later is important if you are to get that sale.
Because what can happen is people will put off the purchase thinking they will come back to it at a later date and then forget about it, or get attracted by another offer. You must strike while the iron is hot, and a call to action that pushes the time sensitive nature of your offer can do that.
Call To Action in a Video
A marketing video can get away with having a call to action in there at relatively frequent intervals, within an article, if you have a call to action at almost every paragraph then it till look too weird and put people off. However, if you have a video that explains to people the benefits of your product, don’t be afraid to include your call to action several times. So that by the time the video is over the viewer has had the call to action explained to them so many times they know exactly what to do, and more importantly know why they will benefit from doing it. If you give them a good enough reason to do something, such as buy a product or just hand over their e-mail then they will do it.
A good video call to action should be persuasive, it is all about the tone of voice, and you must stress the fact that for what they are required to do the payoff will be well worth it. You need to give the potential customer the feeling that it is a no-brainer to opt for your products.
Where You Can Use a Call To Action
Any content that you create you can include a call to action of one form or another within it such as call to action buttons. Other call to action examples where you can see the call to action clearly is in videos as already mentioned, articles, blog posts, social media updates and even within guest posts. Missing an opportunity to add a call to action where possible is only doing harm to your bottom line. You need to analyze all of the content that you have out there, if you haven’t done so already and figure out where you can include call to actions that are appropriate. However, don’t make the mistake of being too aggressive by including them everywhere, as that is only going to alienate some of your potential customers. Some people hate being sold too aggressively to and that is something you have to always keep in mind when creating a call to action. If you like the information presented in this article and would like to find out more marketing tips, then download the “Small Business Marketing Made Easy Guide”.
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